East Coast Wanderlust

Travelling to the East Coast of Canada has been a dream of mine for quite some time. I recently realized that dream with a trek across the Maritimes from the coast from the mouth of the St. Lawrence in QC, through NB, PEI, Cape Breton, to Peggy's Cove in NS and the trails and covered bridges along the way.

I met many friendly locals who not only showed me the good graces of the area, but welcomed me to be part of their story.

I went with the idea that I would let the experiences find me, and oh, what experiences I had.
From finding an abandoned satellite station and rustic covered bridges with incredible acoustics to Ocean-side campsites, I had a memorable time playing with some local musicians.

Black Water on Covered Bridge Alma, NB:  https://fb.watch/elwrXXOLGq/?mibextid=kXE2uo

Visit Warren Jones Music: https://www.facebook.com/warrenjonesmusic