
Performing songs from decades of popular genres they play it all from 50’s and 60’s to present hits, rock to country, and female singer/songwriters. This Acoustic/Electric trio picks cherries from the music tree. Loud rich harmonies, and soft natural dynamics stir and uplift the mind. 

Warren’s strong seasoned vocal tones, percussion and guitar blend well in this trinity, manifesting itself into an alluring mellifluousness. Warren and Celines “match made in heaven” duet was meant to be, and the addition of Dave Allen completes this “dynamic” trio. Their tight effortless vocal tracking are a pleasure to behold, captivating audiences and leaving them with literal goosebumps. 

Celine is a young old soul. Growing up surrounded by music, her beautiful angelic voice and sweet pureness packs a punch and takes you aback. She possesses a fun quirky personality that is beloved by all. Playing Ukulele, singing and adding percussion certainly makes this girl a force to be reckoned with.

Dave’s background in music is lifelong and shines in his playing styles. Spanning many genres, his laid back and comedic demeanour lends itself to the camaraderie this band exudes. His thirst for music is unparalleled and can be heard in his fluid like guitar runs and riffs. Dave takes us on fascinating journey through generations of musical influences.  

Three voices, two guitars, Ukulele, hand percussion, foot percussion, kazoo, and “delightful” harmonies shape a “musical journey” for your enjoyment.

I Can't Make You Love Me:  https://fb.watch/elAXeqQAOl/?mibextid=kXE2uo

Either Way:  https://fb.watch/elyXWh4TZ_/?mibextid=kXE2uo

Zombie:  https://fb.watch/elwC5seKca/?mibextid=kXE2uo

Visit Warren Jones Music: https://www.facebook.com/warrenjonesmusic

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